
ETOP Industry Council Meeting

August 15th &16 Halifax, N.S.

Notice of Elections

All ETOP Industry Council Board Positions will be open for election.  Electronic nominations forms, positions open and more information can be found on the ETOP Elections Page.  Nominations will close and voting will occur on Tuesday, August 15th.  

Working From Home: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

We all know that the COVID 10 Pandemic changed the way we worked during the pandemic, but those impacts are still reverbarating across our workplaces.

Our conference will focus on those impacts.  As the agenda details are finalized they will be shared here, as well as shared with our affiliates.

We have not been able to have a full conference in quite some time, so this year there are no delegate registration fees.  We do need you to register though, so we have an idea of the numbers attending, as well as any dietary restrictions.

Please fill out the form below. 

(If you are an ETOP delegate, don’t register individually-please have the Local submit one form for all the delegates they are sending)

ETOP Industry Council August 2023

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