Unifor ETOP Industry Council


Our affiliates are not just in offices. We represent members doing Education, Technical, Office and Professional work in broad range of sectors. Look here to find out who affiliates with ETOP and the work our members do.


ETOP does one major conference a year, normally scheduled around Canada Council. We endeavour to share information, resources and training that is specific to our affiliates and to provide something members can take back to their work-places and their local.


ETOP works to ensure that the voices of those in our sector are amplified and heard. Information on our structure, and bylaws can be found here.

About ETOP Industry Council

ETOP (Education Technical Office Professional) is an industry council under our national union.
Our affiliates are members who fall under the education, technical, office & professional workplaces in Unifor.
Our goal is to strengthen, mobilize and build this sector of our union through collective action.

Executive Board

Emily Heikoop


Emily been actively engaged with ETOP since 2006 and has been Vice-Chair of ETOP since 2016, taking over the Chair role in October 2022.


Currently Vacant

Elections for this role will be held August 2023

Recording Secretary

Currently Vacant

Elections for this role will be held August 2023

Ian Craigmyle

Financial Secretary

Ian is Financial Secretary of ETOP and comes out of Unifor Local 240 in Windsor where he works in sales at Freeds which is the largest independently owned clothing store in Canada.

Mike Kisch

Mike Kisch


Mike is the 1st Vice President of Unifor Local 2458, an amalgamated local representing 5400 members in over 60 bargaining units within health care, education, hospitality, skilled trades, and the private sector. Mike is the 1st Vice President of Unifor Local 2458, an amalgamated local representing 5400 members in over 60 bargaining units within health care, education, hospitality, skilled trades, and the private sector.

Maryellen Mcilmoyle


Maryellen has three boys Greg, Alexander & Nicholas and is married to Scott. Social justice is relevant to her everyday life from family, work and community. Maryellen serves on many boards within Unifor committees, a discussion leader and volunteers her time to many causes. You can always find Maryellen at any GTA demonstration, march or rally. She is President of Unifor Local 673.

Brian Kelly


Patrick Doyle


Patrick Doyle is a long serving delegate to ETOP. He is President of Local 2003, located out of University of Toronto.

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